Scabbies Corner

Welcome to the Boomtown Press part of my site.


I will be updating this page with info on the history of Boomtown Press. Boomtown Press is an Imprint I created originally with my best friend John M. Styrk Jr.  After John's Passing on Dec 2 2006 i continued on under the Boomtown Press name.  While i will continue to have the comics I've published under Boomtown, Boomtown Scabs, The Adventures Of Carl which I originally created with John as well as my self created title The Expendables, I've come to the decision that it's time for a change in how I promote myself. 


I'm currently working with Kevin Leen under an Imprint we have started called Fantastic Storytyme.  We will be publishing all new stories together under that branding. 


When i'm working on anything new going forward I will be using my own name as the imprint.


Brett R. Pinson Creations.  This will cover any comics, children's books or anything else i do going forward.


So back to Boomtown, what does that mean. It means I do continue to retain full ownership of Boomtown Press It isn't going anywhere as its a testimony to everything John and I had started and what I continued after his passing. I miss John every day and wish he hadn't been taken from us so soon. And when I say us i mean all his family and friends that miss him dearly as well as fans and those that didn't have the opportunity to see the creativeness that John brought to the world.  I wish there was more of John I could bring but his legacy lives on in the Boomtown Scabs, The Adventures of Carl and Socrates Outlaw gunslinger that we created and published while he was with us as well as the continuation of the 4th and 5th scabs that I've been working hard to bring out to finish off what we initially started together.


So Keep an eye out for the collections of The Adventures of Carl, I will be drawing, coloring and lettering issue 5 of Boomtown Scabs as well as several other new stories.  Maybe even some more Carl as he has always been near and dear to my heart. 


Until then Scabbies! Take care, be well and I hope to see you all soon here at or at a convention near you.

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Contact Information

Do you want to see Brett at your convention, Got a question, or you want a commission of your favorite character? contact Brett Pinson at: 

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© Brett R. Pinson 2004-2025 Boomtown Press, Boomtown Scabs, The Adventures of Carl, The Expendables are all properties wholly owned by Brett R. Pinson. All rights reserved.